Sunday, August 15, 2010

Saturday, August 14, 2010

i like infomercials

true story. i like to watch them and listen to all the crazy spokespeople. the Jack Lalanne Juicer and GT Xpress 101 are among my favorites.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Because I've Been Asked So Many Times

This is where I get my edited DVDs. Have I already written about why I don't watch rated R movies? I can't remember... Maybe I will soon. But anyway- I have a bunch of edited movies and everyone asks where I get them from. Well, this is it.
Go. Search. Buy.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Wise Man Once Said...

"With pain, there's not always gain. Because if you get your face punched really hard you might have a broken face."

- Daniel Evans Wallingford
(my cousin-in-law)*
*Or whatever he is. He's married to my cousin so I'm going to call him my cousin-in-law.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

nana banana

I love my cousin Anna! She's the best. We grew up together and have been close our entire lives. It's been a pretty awesome ride. We've played, traveled, laughed, cried, and always supported each other. It's been so much fun to see how we've grown. I love talking with her and knowing that we'll always be there for each other. She also lets me stay at her house whenever I'm temporarily homeless. She's the best!

Drinking Postum- it's a tradition.

Guatemala 2009
Anna, Amie, me- I have amazing cousins.

I heart Nana!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


While in Israel/Palestine we had a few free days to do whatever and travel around the country to see different cities. On one such day, a few of us traveled to Rehovot- a little city not far from Tel Aviv. Rehovot is home to the Weizmann Institute of Science- a really incredible complex with museums, monuments, and an awesome playground. And by playground I really mean small amusement park where every attraction either teaches you about science or is powered by various scientific means. It's actually very neat.

Rehovot also has amazing orange groves. We took a tour and got to pick our own oranges and squeeze them to make orange juice. Soooo good!

In short, I loved Rehovot!

Monday, August 9, 2010

on the road again

I feel like I'm always moving. I suppose it's my own fault since I seem to have a hard time staying in one place for more than a few months. I am determined, however, to make this new move my last for at least a year. I left Colorado this morning and arrived in Salt Lake around 5:30pm. I'm really glad to be back and see everyone but saying goodbye to Tom and Jenn and the kids was one of the hardest things I've had to do. I'm going to miss those little rascals so much. This last summer has been amazing.

But here's to the next adventure- school part 2!

Sunday, August 8, 2010


I hate them. In the last year I've had to say goodbye to way too many people and tomorrow I have to do it again. I always knew I'd only be here for the summer but it hasn't made it any easier to pack up and leave. I'm going to miss Colorado a lot- especially the three little kiddos I've spent most of my time with. I'm really sad to go but I know I'll be back visiting soon.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Pied Piper

I am the Pied Piper of children. Except not in the sense of how the actual tale goes- because that's kind of creepy. More in the sense of wherever I go, children follow. And honestly, I love it. Most of the kids I know here in Colorado call me Aunt Susie. The preschool kids, Tom and Jenn's friend's kids, church kids. Everyone. It's the best. Whenever kids need something they come ask me, whenever they need someone to play with they come ask me. It's awesome and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Friday, August 6, 2010

j'adore le film

Amelie. C'est incroyable! Un de mes favoris.

Note: It's rated R so I watch the edited version. Still amazing. I'll write more on why I don't watch R movies later.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


I have it. Bad.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Little Boy

I met this little guy in Antigua and he was the cutest Guatemalan kid ever.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

McDonald's in the Holy Land

About three years ago I was in Jerusalem during the Passover. While it was an incredible experience to be in the Holy Land during this holiday, it was also one of the most frustrating. Why? Because there was nothing to eat. Correction- there were things to eat- just not good things. During this week-long observance I had the opportunity to eat matzo crackers, random things baked with matzo crackers (the favorite of which was matzanga- lasagna made with matzo crackers), and more matzo crackers. Awesome. Thus enter McDonald's*.
Jake, Sean, Spencer, Tanner and I decided to go to the McDonald's on Ben Yehuda Street because we were starving and had matzo coming out of our ears. We thought- hey, McDonald's wouldn't observe the Passover, right? Wrong. They did. For the most part at least. Which means our meals consisted of matzo-fried chicken nuggets and hamburgers with pancake buns. Kind of disgusting. We walked to a table, thoroughly disappointed, when we realized that there was some commotion happening outside. We walked onto the upstairs balcony (it was a nice McDonald's) and saw a group of Jewish men across the street undulating and praying (at least I think that's what they were doing- I don't speak Hebrew...). We asked around and found out that they were protesting the McDonald's because they were serving chick peas.** Being boys and therefore ridiculous, Sean, Jake, Spencer and Tanner wanted to eat outside on the balcony and watch. And thus were born the following:

*Side note: I never eat at McDonald's in America because I think it's gross. For some reason, however, it's perfectly acceptable to eat there while in a foreign country. I have two theories to explain this discrepancy: 1- in other countries, McDonald's is a pretty nice place to eat (and often pretty expensive) so the quality of food is a little better; 2- eating American food once in a while is a nice reminder of home.
**Seriously, McDonald's? What's the point in half observing the Passover? Just give me a normal hamburger bun!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Slip 'n' Slide!!

I LOVE Slip 'n' Slides! I bought one for the kids a couple days ago and we finally pulled it out. So much fun!

Yep- I went down the Slip 'n' Slide. Even have the bruises to prove it (its a little different experience when you're not 5 years old). Worth it? Definitely.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


I love my religion. I definitely wouldn't be the person I am without it. Today in church we discussed tithing. Tithing is described as follows on the church's website, The Bible indicates that God’s people followed the law of tithing anciently; through modern prophets, God restored this law once again to bless His children. To fulfill this commandment, Church members give one-tenth of their income to the Lord through His Church. These funds are used to build up the Church and further the work of the Lord throughout the world.

While tithing may seem like a huge sacrifice, I've always loved doing it. I know that so many incredible blessings are given by following this simple commandment. I've seen it in my life numerous times. I've always been blessed to have a good job, to be financially secure, and make ends meet even when it seems impossible. I admit that its hard at times- especially when funds may be a little tight- but the blessings I've received through paying tithing have always exceeded the sacrifice.