Saturday, May 29, 2010

...I Finished the Previous Post

Ok- so let's see...I think I stopped at Sean and I having dinner at his friend's house. That was really fun. They have a beautiful home near Colorado Springs and the area they lived in was amazing. Except not so snow friendly. And it just happened to be snowing when we got there. Have I mentioned how much I dislike the snow? A lot. That's how much. After we left we headed straight to my brother Tom's house in Aurora. I was so excited to finally be done with driving. I love driving but spending 9-10 hours in a car is never fun. Another reason why I'm glad Sean was with me- I would have probably lost my mind driving by myself for that long. We finally got to the house around 10pm Sunday night and after unloading a couple things, crashed for the night.

The next couple days were spent unpacking, interviewing for jobs, and playing with kids. Monday was full of interviews, playing outside with Tori and her friend (I'm not going to lie- watching Sean play with those two was pretty amusing!), and playing games with Tom and Jenn. Sean and I spent the better part of Tuesday driving around Denver, visiting a friend of his, and stopping to get ice cream (where Sean convinced the ice cream lady to let him touch the plastic banana split display... don't ask). This was all after we served as the audience for Jenn's preschool kids as they practiced their graduation program. It was a ton of fun. I drove Sean to the airport that night and I think everything finally hit me as I was driving back to Tom and Jenn's. I may have lost it a little... but I think it's because it finally sunk in- I was moving here. I wasn't just here for a few days to visit, I was actually going to live here for the next few months. The unknown is always a little scary but I try to embrace it with enthusiasm. I'm loving my time here but can't wait to see everyone back in Utah.

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