Saturday, February 12, 2011


"Most people fail at whatever they attempt because of an undecided heart. Should I? Should I not? Go forward? Go back? Success requires the emotional balance of a committed heart. When confronted with a challenge, the committed heart will search for a solution. The undecided heart searches for an escape. A committed heart does not wait for conditions to be exactly right. Why? Because conditions are never exactly right."

- Andy Andrews

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Little Gem

My friend posted this little gem of a thought (I'm not sure where she got it from) and I loved it:

"We have a choice between three fundamental options. We can approach what happens that does not match our expectations with a negative attitude and treat it as a burden, or we can approach it with a positive attitude and affirm its beneficial features, or we can transcend both categories, reject them, and stop the ceaseless, complicated interplay between them... which integrates the negative truth of harsh reality with the positive truth of generous possibility. Transcendence acknowledges the presence of necessity and opportunity, frustration and dedication, inadequacy and abundance, disaster and opportunity, that are present in all change efforts. Leaders (I, personally) who transcend their circumstances do not accept the world as it is; rather, they work to transform it."

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Lessons We Learn

I've learned a lot of lessons in my life, specifically over the last five years. Being an adult has not been the easiest, but it definitely has been the most rewarding. I have realized that I want some things so badly that I focus on them and forget to see everything else around me. I obsess over one thing, hoping and praying that I get it, while other beautiful things pass me by because I was too stubborn to see them.

In the words of K'naan (yes, I'm about to quote a rapper): "Any man who knows a thing knows he knows not a damn, damn thing at all." This is my life. I've realized that I really don't know anything at all- the things I want are very different than the things I need. While that may seem a terrifying notion, it's ultimately very comforting. I can't rely on myself because I don't know anything. I can only rely on God because, in reality, He's the only one who knows what I need. The trick is training myself to quit staring at the things I want and realizing that there is so much better to be had.