Saturday, February 5, 2011

Little Gem

My friend posted this little gem of a thought (I'm not sure where she got it from) and I loved it:

"We have a choice between three fundamental options. We can approach what happens that does not match our expectations with a negative attitude and treat it as a burden, or we can approach it with a positive attitude and affirm its beneficial features, or we can transcend both categories, reject them, and stop the ceaseless, complicated interplay between them... which integrates the negative truth of harsh reality with the positive truth of generous possibility. Transcendence acknowledges the presence of necessity and opportunity, frustration and dedication, inadequacy and abundance, disaster and opportunity, that are present in all change efforts. Leaders (I, personally) who transcend their circumstances do not accept the world as it is; rather, they work to transform it."

1 comment:

  1. This is a great quote. and FYI I did a little research and this quote is comprised of a few paragraphs from The Jossey-Bass Reader on Nonprofit and Public Leadership. Chapter Heading: Maintaining Trust Through Integrity. Subheading: Practicing Empathy.

    Thank you Google books. :)
