Friday, July 20, 2012

Bude, Brno, and Krumlov

Ceske Budejovice, Brno, and Ceske Krumlov are beautiful cities we visited on our way to Austria. Ceske Budejovice was my brother’s favorite city when he served his mission there almost ten years ago. It was a quaint, charming city with a huge tower that we climbed to get an amazing view of the country.

We went to church in Brno (a wonderful experience) and then walked around the city a bit. Not much was going on because it was a Sunday and ridiculously hot outside. We spent almost an hour trying to find a place to eat and got so sick of walking around that we gave up and went to a McDonald’s. My dad was less than excited about this. The rest of us didn’t care much seeing as we were about to die of starvation.

See? Not a happy camper.

Side note: my mother actually claimed on this trip that she was going to starve. We were driving back to our house in Austria and realized that all the grocery stores had closed. After my dad passed by several restaurants my mom commented that it was ok that she didn’t eat dinner- she would just starve. It was pretty funny.

Krumlov is a beautiful tourist town with a river running through the middle of it. The castle there was…funny. It had a moat-type area near the entrance with two brown bears in it and bricks and windows painted on the walls. Yep- painted. On the stucco walls. Classy, Krumlov, real classy. Other than the strange castle, the city was spectacular! Cobblestone streets, friendly people, and amazing scenery. I loved it.

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